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Data model: addresses

asked 2020-05-15 14:09:46 +0100

martinp gravatar image

Are there any plans to define data model for "addresses" - as a geographical point with address information? To be used for address searching.

Or should some other data model be used (building)?



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answered 2020-06-02 09:48:59 +0100

aabella gravatar image

Thank you for your question that it is a very relevant one.

Address is something which is extensively used across most of the data models (most of them are using it). In fact, we have in the common schema at the very root of the initiative a section "Location-Commons" in which we used the postal addressproperties coming from schema.org under the object address.

About the geographical location, this is also available for all the data models in the common schema in the same section, "Location-Commons", in the "location" property, which is a geojson point. As geojson point it allows being a GeoJSON Point, GeoJSON LineString, GeoJSON Polygon, GeoJSON MultiPoint, GeoJSON MultiLineString or GeoJSON MultiPolygon. Therefore you will see in most of the data models a preceding line to properties section like this one.

"$ref": "https://smart-data-models.github.io/data-models/common-schema.json#/definitions/Location-Commons"

In which all these properties (location and address) are included in the data model.

Are your needs covered with this approach or do you need anything else? Please let us know here or in our mail alberto . abella @fiware.org

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Asked: 2020-05-15 14:09:46 +0100

Seen: 347 times

Last updated: Jun 02 '20

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