How to use cygnus with Kafka and docker

asked 2021-04-14 16:22:57 +0100

filgiuff gravatar image

I'm trying to use cygnus to send data from Orion to Kafka. I would like to install everything by docker.

I read the documentation but I have several doubts.

The current version of cygnus (2.8.0) doesnt't have any Kafka references in the conf file, is kafka supported yet ?

Is there any ready docker-compose to install everything ?

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Maybe asking at you could reach a wider audience.

Fermín Galán gravatar imageFermín Galán ( 2021-07-09 10:58:57 +0100 )edit

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Starting with the Python 3.7 image, create an image. Make /code the working directory. Set the environment variables the flask command will use

voltsquatarola gravatar imagevoltsquatarola ( 2023-06-20 05:01:10 +0100 )edit