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Is a data model required for trading carbon credits using a DeFi/Blockchain? if so, what form should it take? Why is it necessary and how might one be developed and used?

asked 2022-05-04 00:08:35 +0100

Geo-oxon gravatar image

I am curious about how carbon credits will be traded on blockchain exchanges and automated certification systems. The promise that Decentralized Financial systems provide useful, semi-automated services to help account for a provide a market mechanism to reduce carbon emissions is very interesting. I have a feeling that data models will be required so that users can enter their data about their own emission and that this data can later be used to qualify them for carbon trading.

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You're absolutely right. Establishing a robust data model is crucial for the successful integration of carbon credit trading into blockchain-based DeFi systems.

grayb gravatar imagegrayb ( 2023-10-10 15:33:41 +0100 )edit

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answered 2023-02-04 11:49:04 +0100

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answered 2023-02-21 11:23:18 +0100

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I completely concur that a data model will be necessary if we are to actually make this happen. But as of right now, we have not made touch with anyone who is truly doing this in a way that we might imitate to produce a real open-licensed data model. https://basketball-stars.co/

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answered 2023-06-27 09:52:31 +0100

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I completely agree that a data model will be essential if we are to make this a reality. Because if it is found, we will publish a post about it.https://ask.fiware.org/question/1307/is-a-data-model-required-for-trading-carbon-credits-using-a-defiblockchain-if-so-what-form-should-it-take-why-is-it-necessary-and-how-might-one-be/ doodle jump

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Asked: 2022-05-04 00:08:35 +0100

Seen: 1,180 times

Last updated: May 30 '22