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Orion NGSI-LD with Mintaka

asked 2022-05-15 14:10:53 +0100

Yusuf UZUN gravatar image


I want to get temporal data with Mintaka. Orion database is assigned by default. IotAgent database name is orion-openiot. When I want to query data, I encounter 404 error. When I want to change the dafault data through the configuration, the docker logs give an error that the database could not be found. How do you think I should proceed?

below is the screenshot.


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answered 2022-05-25 08:48:23 +0100

Hi, can you please add your timescale and orion-ld config to the question? Have a look at this compose to get an example of a working dev-setup: https://github.com/FIWARE/mintaka/blo...

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Asked: 2022-05-15 14:10:53 +0100

Seen: 660 times

Last updated: May 25 '22