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Can I apply to more than one accelerator?

asked 2015-06-23 10:55:02 +0100

jmcantera gravatar image

It is not clear to me what the rules are if I decide to submit multiple applications.

1.- Can apply to more than one accelerator with the same proposal? If so, could I get support from both accelerators or I need to choose one?

2.- Can apply to one accelerator with two or more proposals? If so, could both get support from the accelerator?

3.- What if I submit proposal A to accelerator X and proposal B to accelerator Y. Both proposals and acclerators are different. Could I get funding for both even if I am the same legal entity?

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answered 2015-06-24 07:55:41 +0100

Miguel Carrillo gravatar image

updated 2015-06-24 07:58:17 +0100

I was looking at the answers received by people making queries to the acceleration support list (the one mentioned on http://www.fiware.org/contact-us/) and saw there that you can submit the same idea to a maximum of 3 Accelerators. However, you can submit different ideas to different accelerators with no restriction. Take into account that some accelerators (as FI-C3) only admit one submission per company.

Note that you cannot get funds from two accelerators for the same proposal. If this happens, you would need to inform of this and discuss with the accelerators what to do.

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Asked: 2015-06-23 10:55:02 +0100

Seen: 5,680 times

Last updated: Jun 24 '15