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asked 2016-01-28 08:32:54 +0100

JustHSB gravatar image

Hello Kurento Users,

I am playing with one2many example. It is working (with some freezing issues in the stream).

But my question is: I want to display the stream in my Android App. I tried to do with a WebView but it is not working: the page is loaded but the stream is not displayed, it only shows the loading cursor.

I tired it in Chrome and Firefox and it is working. WebView is supporting WebRTC from Lollipop version.

Is there possible any workaround? I don't won't to view the stream in a separate browser but embed in the App.

Thank you.

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answered 2016-01-29 05:19:45 +0100

The officially supported way of working with WebRTC is using WebRTC-capable browsers (i.e. Chrome, Firefox and Opera, and Android Browser). WebView does indeed support WebRTC (though not everything), but how to get WebRTC working in WebView is something that will be better answered by WebView users.

On the other hand, doing some research it seems like Crosswalk is a better option, as it embeds a fully functional Chrome browser.

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Ok, thank you. We are now trying crosswalk and also chrome custom tabs.

JustHSB gravatar imageJustHSB ( 2016-02-02 08:52:35 +0100 )edit
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Asked: 2016-01-28 08:32:54 +0100

Seen: 6,260 times

Last updated: Jan 29 '16