You will have to use WebHDFS in order to browse your HDFS user space. Detailed referece for WebHDFS can be found at
For instance, by using my HDFS user "frb" I can do:
$ curl -X GET "" -H "X-Auth-Token: <MY_TOKEN>" | python -m json.tool
"FileStatuses": {
"FileStatus": [
"accessTime": 0,
"blockSize": 0,
"group": "frb",
"length": 0,
"modificationTime": 1455191589436,
"owner": "frb",
"pathSuffix": "-p",
"permission": "755",
"replication": 0,
"type": "DIRECTORY"
"accessTime": 0,
"blockSize": 0,
"group": "frb",
"length": 0,
"modificationTime": 1456152801883,
"owner": "frb",
"pathSuffix": "FRB",
"permission": "740",
"replication": 0,
"type": "DIRECTORY"
Cygnus stores the data as:
You can check the Cygnus logs as well in order to know if the data has been successfully persisted. Try finding logs like:
time=2016-03-29T09:55:50.779CEST | lvl=INFO | trans=1459238120-153-0000000000 | svc=default | subsvc=/ | function=persistAggregation | comp=Cygnus |[954] : [hdfs-sink] Persisting data at OrionHDFSSink. HDFS file (myservice/myservicepath/entityId_entityType/entityId_entityType.txt), Data ({"recvTime":"2016-03-29T07:55:24.441Z","fiwareServicePath":"myservicepath","entityId":"xxx","entityType":"xxx", "xxx":"111", "xxx_md":[]})