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What is the proposed process of membership and relevant information important for the enterprises to join FIWARE Foundation

asked 2016-07-12 16:27:46 +0100

Sam gravatar image


I'm part of the SAF technical team working for PSNC, Poland. We want to have an insight of the process of membership for the SMEs (who are currently using FIWARE lab nodes) to FIWARE Foundation. We also want to have information about the status of FIWARE Foundation and the possible ways to be a part of it.

Thanks Sam

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answered 2016-07-19 12:55:31 +0100

Stefano gravatar image

The FIWARE Foundation will be formally established and operative in September 2016. Being part of the FIWARE Foundation is an excellent opportunity to be involved in the various decision processes which will drive the evolution and future of FIWARE. So organisations and individuals who would like to be active players in such an endeavour are invited to join!

The FIWARE Foundation will offer four possibilities for membership: Platinum, Gold, Associate, and Individual membership. For what concerns SMEs I see two of the above possibilities to be of interest: Gold and Individual membership. Gold membership allows organisations to be elected in the Board of Directors (BoD) among the Gold Members representatives, to be an active member of the various Mission Critical Committees if you wish, and to vote in the General Assembly. To be a Gold member an annual fee is requested. The fee, not yet finalised by the interim BoD, is calculated as a very reasonable percentage of the organisation turnover. Individual memebreship allows single persons to participate in the various Mission Critical Committees if they wish, and to vote in the General Assembly. To be an Individual member no annual fee is requested. All membres in the four categories have to sign the FIWARE Code of Conduct already publicly available at https://www.fiware.org/fiware-governa....

It is important to notice that the FIWARE Foundation is completely open and SMEs or individuals, as any other organisations, who would like to join the FIWARE Foundation do not need per se to be already FIWARE users or developers, what it is only requested is that they are committed to pursue the FIWARE Mission and to be an active player in governing the future of FIWARE.

Feel free to ask more clarifications, I'm here happy to help.

Ciao, Stefano

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Asked: 2016-07-12 16:27:46 +0100

Seen: 4,334 times

Last updated: Jul 19 '16