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Any plans to support OPC UA ?

asked 2016-10-05 15:59:15 +0100

ichulani gravatar image

updated 2016-10-05 16:02:13 +0100


OPC UA is a standardized M2M Industry 4.0 protocol that connects shop floor machines to the internet. See "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPCUnifiedArchitecture" .

We are wondering if there are any plans to support OPC UA in FIWARE? in IoT or Data Chapter for instance?

If no plans yet, would you have any suggestions as to how to interface with OPC UA from FIWARE?

Many thanks in advance for your help. Kind regards,


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answered 2016-10-07 08:25:24 +0100

flegall gravatar image


This would indeed be interesting. To build the interface, you would need to develop an IoT Agent, interfacing between OPC UA and FIWARE NGSI.

For that purpose, I suggest to look at that page: https://github.com/telefonicaid/iotag... which provides a framework for developping custome IoT Agents.


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Some examples of IOTA agents that has been developed used the framework that Franck cites and that could be used as examples: IOTA UltraLight 2.0 (https://github.com/telefonicaid/iotagent-ul) and IOTA JSON (https://github.com/telefonicaid/iotagent-json).

Fermín Galán gravatar imageFermín Galán ( 2016-10-07 16:49:04 +0100 )edit

Thanks very much Franck and Fermin for the info. I also recall something called NGSI adaptors. Is that something very different? or another option we should consider? For some reason all the information I find on NGSI adaptors points to the Sextant monitoring tool,perhaps not so relevant then?Thanks

ichulani gravatar imageichulani ( 2016-10-10 13:29:09 +0100 )edit

IOTAs can be seen as protocol adaptators (UL, COAP, etc.) to NGSI, so probably the term is correctly applied in this case.

Fermín Galán gravatar imageFermín Galán ( 2016-10-12 13:46:32 +0100 )edit
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Asked: 2016-10-05 15:59:15 +0100

Seen: 4,206 times

Last updated: Oct 07 '16