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Starting with Fiware and Fiware Tour Guide Application

asked 2016-10-24 19:44:12 +0100

draposo gravatar image


I'm thinking in use some fiware modules in my IoT applications and I started by installing the Fiware Tour Guide Application using the docker deployment. All modules are running like Orion and IoTAgents (UL2.0), however when I tried to do the "Reading Data from IoT Devices" from "Quick Fiware Tour Guide", I noticed some problems in the tutorial:

  • First, when we create the idas service we need to send the "entity_type", and in the JSON sample this parameter is missing;

  • Second, at the end, after sending the data, I cannot find my entity in the Orion Context Broker. Is there some configuration missing between the Orion Context Broker and the IoTAgent?

Thanks in advance, Duarte

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Hi! if you are still on this, check this interactive tutorial. https://notebook.thrive.to/tutorial/3ffSQAAMpiDLjFTB9?view=MidFullScreen Entity/Sensor and Service creation and querying are covered with examples in the notebook. you can query for the entity you just created with the entity_name.

EvaArh gravatar imageEvaArh ( 2016-12-06 14:24:11 +0100 )edit

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answered 2016-10-26 10:48:11 +0100

albertinisg gravatar image

Hi Duarte,

Regarding the first example, you are right. I've checked the section you mentioned and the "entity_type" is missing there. TourGuide-App documentation also have a section where explains how to do the whole process with the right payload: http://fiwaretourguide.readthedocs.io...

Regarding your second issue, take into account that you are adding the sensor to an existing entity (restaurant) in Orion as an attribute, so you must request the restaurant and see if the new attribute has been added.


Alberto Martín

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Asked: 2016-10-24 19:43:22 +0100

Seen: 2,300 times

Last updated: Oct 26 '16