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How do I create netwoks in my cloud?

asked 2016-12-21 12:36:40 +0100

iberraondo gravatar image

Hi. I've got a problem following this tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAVH3...). In the network creation step, the "Create Network" does not respond. Also, I have three networks on the list that I have not created. I am trying to find information about this issue on the internet with no luck so far. Could you give me some aid please? Thank you very much in advance.?

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answered 2017-01-25 17:11:43 +0100

jicg gravatar image

By default you can't create any networks or routers. The quota is 0.

The good news is that you don't need to create network or routers. You can select any of the networks node-int-net-01 (for IPv4 only) or node-int-net-01-dual (dual IPv4, IPv6 Stack). The other network (node-int-noinet-net-02) is not connected to the Internet.

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Asked: 2016-12-21 12:36:40 +0100

Seen: 7,415 times

Last updated: Jan 25 '17