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for sizing FIWARE Lab for limited users

asked 2018-02-07 06:12:48 +0200

daishinakamura gravatar image


I would like to create "FIWARE Lab closed environment" for developing FIWARE apps for limited companies. I read abount following system requirements and know that FIWARE Lab uses OpenStack env. http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/media...andNetworkRequirements http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/media...Services_Required

but I can't understand physical env(how count servers, cpu cores, RAM, storage) that I need.

so, I would like to know how to size my servers(servers, cpu cores, RAM, storage) for closed FIWARE lab env. and I would like to know some definition of word

No 1 end-user, commnunity, customer In system requirements, I found words "end-user", "commnunity", "customer" I can't understand what mean these words in FIWARE Lab.

So, I would like to know what these words mean.

I use FIWARE Lab env. in following users

5 companies use this environment 10 users per company(10 users * 5 companies = 50 users) use this env. 3 comunities per company ( 3 comunities * 5 companies = 15 comunities ) use this env.

No 2 Sample sizing for physical servers, cpu cores, RAM, storage I find a sample of sizing for physical servers, cpu cores, RAM, storage. If you know that, please show me.

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answered 2018-02-20 12:44:30 +0200

jicg gravatar image

In FIWARE Lab we have 2 kind of cloud users: Trial users and Community users. Trial users are supposed to be users who are allowed to test FIWARE Technology using FIWARE Lab Cloud deployment for 15 days. After 15 days they will be removed. Community "long term" users which have asked the FIWARE Team to hace a community account and a reason to have that kind of account. This basically means that they are building a project based on FIWARE.

End-user and customer are basically the same.

If you are going to have a private instance of FIWARE Lab, you will have some kinds of "organizations" called Tenants of Projects. This means a group of users working together in the same project(s) and sharing the resources of the project.

You can set your own network requirements and set the quality you want to deliver your customers in your openstack installation. The one shown there is a good one which has shown to be performant enough for the typical requirements of a development process of many people at the same time.

The allocation of resources based on Openstack can be found in Openstack documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/arch-desig... * 1 core ~ 16vCPU * 1 Gb RAM ~ 1.5 Gb of vRAM * 1 Gb HD ~ 1 Gb of HD

So, 1 physical host with 8 cores and 32Gb of RAM (28Gb just to let the Operating system room enough) should be able to host more than 20VMs 2Gb of RAM and 20Gb HD each, if it has 500Gb of free disk space --- This hosts running Virtual Machines are called Compute Nodes.

22 Gb for images it is for the whole Openstack installation in order to have all the FIWARE images. Although you could think that people would need to make their own snapshots and you could need another 100Gb per project. You might need even more disk space in order to let your users create their own persistent disks, and if you allow them to use object storage, you might need even more disk space. You can decide your quota per project (how much disk space you want to let your users in a project have).

An idea is to have 2 physical host for "openstack controllers" in order to install the Openstack Services with HA (one might be enough wihtout HA). and some more hosts for your customer Virtual Hosts (Compute Nodes). You can add new compute nodes later.

Your users will need a public IP to access their VMs so their services could be reached from outside your network.

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Asked: 2018-02-07 06:12:48 +0200

Seen: 22,457 times

Last updated: Feb 20 '18