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Private FIWARE Lab with using VMware vSphere or ESXi

asked 2018-04-10 07:01:11 +0100

daishinakamura gravatar image

I would like to build Private FIWARE lab.

I read FIWARE Lab Nodes Handbook and understood FIWARE Lab depends on OpenStack.


I have some question for build a FIWARE Lab

Q1. Is it possible that FIWARE Lab building without OpenStack

I would like to build FIWARE Lab with using VMware vSphere, is it possible?

Q2. Is it possible that controller is running on VMware vSphere

If I can't build FIWARE lab without OpenStack, I would like to build openstack controller on VMware vSphere. Is it possible?

the handbook writes about OpenStack Controller that,
3 Controllers in HA (including also Neutron L3 HA solution) with the following services

The nova-scheduler service, that allocates VMs on the compute nodes.
The cinder-scheduler service, that allocates block storage on the compute nodes.
The glance-registry service, that manages the images and VM templates. The backend for the registry maybe the controller node, or the Object Storage.
The neutron-server service, that manages the VM networks.
The heat-api and engine
The swift-proxy service that manages request to the object storage nodes.
The nova-api service, that exposes the APIs to interact with the nova-scheduler.
The cinder-api service, that exposes the APIs to interact with the cinder-scheduler.
The glance-api service, that exposes the APIs to interact with the glance-registry.
The keystone service, that manages OpenStack services in a node.

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answered 2018-04-20 09:04:58 +0100

admin gravatar image

Q1. Is it possible that FIWARE Lab building without OpenStack

Yes, it is possible to build a FIWARE Lab without OpenStack but it is not possible that this node could be federated due to the Identity is shared through the OpenStack Keystone. Nevertheless, there is some mechanism in order to install OpenStack over VMWare for example

I would like to build FIWARE Lab with using VMware vSphere, is it possible?

Yes, it is possible to build a FIWARE Lab node using OpenStac over VMWare vSphere, you can find details in the following link https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Int...

It is something that it is possible but we never test it.

Q2. Is it possible that controller is running on VMware vSphere

Sure, take a look to the previous document.

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Asked: 2018-04-10 07:01:11 +0100

Seen: 520 times

Last updated: Apr 20 '18