1 | initial version |
I'm trying connecting orion-ld to mongodb-atlas. In contrast with orion (where everything works fine) I cannot get the connection orion-ld - mongodb atlas to work.
The docker command I use:
$ docker run -d --name orionld-atlas -p 1027:1026 fiware/orion-ld:latest -dbhost "dev-cluster.xxxxx.mongodb.net/orionld?retryWrites=true&w=majority" -db orionld -dbuser orionld -dbpwd xxxxxxxxxxxx
Anyone an idea what I'm missing?
Thanks. Guy
2 | No.2 Revision |
I'm trying connecting orion-ld to mongodb-atlas. In contrast with orion (where everything works fine) I cannot get the connection orion-ld - mongodb atlas to work.
The docker command I use:
$ docker run -d --name orionld-atlas -p 1027:1026 fiware/orion-ld:latest -dbhost "dev-cluster.xxxxx.mongodb.net/orionld?retryWrites=true&w=majority" -db orionld -dbuser orionld -dbpwd xxxxxxxxxxxx
Tried with this command (the one that works for 'orion') but still cannot connect from 'orion-ld':
docker run -d --name orionld -p 1027:1026 fiware/orion-ld:latest -dbhost "my-cluster-shard-00-00.ceatd.mongodb.net:27017,my-cluster-shard-00-01.ceatd.mongodb.net:27017,my-cluster-shard-00-02.ceatd.mongodb.net:27017/orionld?ssl=true&replicaSet=atlas-xxxxxx-shard-0&authSource=admin&retryWrites=true&w=majority" -dbuser user -dbpwd pwd
Anyone an idea what I'm missing?
Thanks. Guy