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Tourguide App: problem sending data to sensor


In the Tourguide App documentation, I can't see the attributes of the created sensor when following Manage IoT Data section.

I just tried with a clean install of the tutorial, and this is what I get:

(if you, or anybody else, can tell me how I can make the json format look nicer in markdown syntax, any hint would be welcome... I'll update the code below)

I post following request to create the IDAS service:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "fiware-service: tourguide" -H "fiware-servicepath: /Franchise1" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 72a15f7f-33a4-65a0-3ab9-a8efa3926ba2" -d '{ "services": [ { "apikey": "tourguide-devices", "cbroker": "http://orion:1026", "resource": "/iot/d", "entity_type": "Restaurant" } ] }' "http://localhost:4041/iot/services"

with header: Content-Type:application/json fiware-service:tourguide fiware-servicepath:/Franchise1

then I registered the sensor as following with the same headers

{ "devices": [ { "device_id": "myRestaurant-sensor-0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "protocol": "UL20", "entity_name": "0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "entity_type": "Sensor", "attributes": [ { "object_id": "mt", "name": "myTemperature", "type": "number" } ] } ] }

(both requests return 200 and 201 with {}, so it looks fine)

Then querying the entity to see if the attributes are there with:

curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "fiware-service: tourguide" -H "fiware-servicepath: /Franchise1" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 53553316-1502-b818-99eb-449c0b00105a" "http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f?options=keyValues&type=Restaurant"

gives me this answer:

{ "id": "0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "type": "Restaurant", "address": { "streetAddress": "Cuesta de las Cabras Aldapa 2", "addressRegion": "Araba", "addressLocality": "Alegría-Dulantzi", "postalCode": "01240" }, "aggregateRating": { "reviewCount": 1, "ratingValue": 4 }, "capacity": 120, "department": "Franchise1", "description": "Restaurante de estilo sidrería ubicado en Alegria-Dulantzi. Además de su menú del día y carta, también ofrece menú de sidrería. El menú del día cuesta 9 euros. Los fines de semana la especialidad de la casa son las alubias con sacramentos. En lo que a bebidas se refiere, hay una amplia selección además de la sidra. Cabe destacar que se puede hacer txotx. La capacidad del establecimiento es de 50 personas pero la sidrería no dispone de aparcamiento.%5cn%5cnHORARIO: %5cn%5cnLunes a domingo: 9:00-17:00 y 19:00-23:00.", "location": "42.8404625, -2.5123277", "name": "Elizalde", "occupancyLevels": 0, "priceRange": 0, "telephone": "945 400 868" }

--> So no sign of the added attribute... Why is that?

If I do the request without "type=Restaurant" i get:

{ "error": "TooManyResults", "description": "More than one matching entity. Please refine your query" }

Why are there more than one result on a request specifying an entity with a unique id?

Tourguide App: problem sending data to sensor


In the Tourguide App documentation, I can't see the attributes of the created sensor when following Manage IoT Data section.

I just tried with a clean install of the tutorial, and this is what I get:

(if you, or anybody else, can tell me how I can make the json format look nicer in markdown syntax, any hint would be welcome... I'll update the code below)

I post following request to create the IDAS service:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "fiware-service: tourguide" -H "fiware-servicepath: /Franchise1" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 72a15f7f-33a4-65a0-3ab9-a8efa3926ba2" -d '{ "services": [ { "apikey": "tourguide-devices", "cbroker": "http://orion:1026", "resource": "/iot/d", "entity_type": "Restaurant" } ] }' "http://localhost:4041/iot/services"

with header: Content-Type:application/json fiware-service:tourguide fiware-servicepath:/Franchise1

then I registered the sensor as following with the same headers

{ "devices": [ { "device_id": "myRestaurant-sensor-0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "protocol": "UL20", "entity_name": "0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "entity_type": "Sensor", "attributes": [ { "object_id": "mt", "name": "myTemperature", "type": "number" } ] } ] }

(both requests return 200 and 201 with {}, so it looks fine)

Then querying the entity to see if the attributes are there with:

curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "fiware-service: tourguide" -H "fiware-servicepath: /Franchise1" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 53553316-1502-b818-99eb-449c0b00105a" "http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f?options=keyValues&type=Restaurant"

gives me this answer:

{ "id": "0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "type": "Restaurant", "address": { "streetAddress": "Cuesta de las Cabras Aldapa 2", "addressRegion": "Araba", "addressLocality": "Alegría-Dulantzi", "postalCode": "01240" }, "aggregateRating": { "reviewCount": 1, "ratingValue": 4 }, "capacity": 120, "department": "Franchise1", "description": "Restaurante de estilo sidrería ubicado en Alegria-Dulantzi. Además de su menú del día y carta, también ofrece menú de sidrería. El menú del día cuesta 9 euros. Los fines de semana la especialidad de la casa son las alubias con sacramentos. En lo que a bebidas se refiere, hay una amplia selección además de la sidra. Cabe destacar que se puede hacer txotx. La capacidad del establecimiento es de 50 personas pero la sidrería no dispone de aparcamiento.%5cn%5cnHORARIO: %5cn%5cnLunes a domingo: 9:00-17:00 y 19:00-23:00.", "location": "42.8404625, -2.5123277", "name": "Elizalde", "occupancyLevels": 0, "priceRange": 0, "telephone": "945 400 868" }

--> So no sign of the added attribute... Why is that?

If I do the request without "type=Restaurant" i get:

{ "error": "TooManyResults", "description": "More than one matching entity. Please refine your query" }

Why are there more than one result on a request specifying an entity with a unique id?

Tourguide App: problem sending data to sensor


In the Tourguide App documentation, I can't see the attributes of the created sensor when following Manage IoT Data section.

I just tried with a clean install of the tutorial, and this is what I get:

(if anybody can tell me how I can make the json format look nicer in markdown syntax, any hint would be welcome... I'll update the code below)

I post following request to create the IDAS service:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "fiware-service: tourguide" -H "fiware-servicepath: /Franchise1" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 72a15f7f-33a4-65a0-3ab9-a8efa3926ba2" -d '{ "services": [ { "apikey": "tourguide-devices", "cbroker": "http://orion:1026", "resource": "/iot/d", "entity_type": "Restaurant" } ] }' "http://localhost:4041/iot/services"

with header: Content-Type:application/json fiware-service:tourguide fiware-servicepath:/Franchise1

then I registered the sensor as following with the same headers

{ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "fiware-service: tourguide" -H "fiware-servicepath: /Franchise1" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: e48e2ca6-9c6b-ceaf-c90d-91f016c085d5" -d '{ "devices": [ { "device_id": "myRestaurant-sensor-0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "protocol": "UL20", "entity_name": "0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "entity_type": "Sensor", "type" "attributes": [ { "object_id": "mt", "name": "myTemperature", "type": "number" } ] } ] }}' "http://localhost:4041/iot/devices"

(both requests return 200 and 201 with {}, so it looks fine)

Then querying the entity to see if the attributes are there with:

curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "fiware-service: tourguide" -H "fiware-servicepath: /Franchise1" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 53553316-1502-b818-99eb-449c0b00105a" "http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f?options=keyValues&type=Restaurant"

gives me this answer:

{ "id": "0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "type": "Restaurant", "address": { "streetAddress": "Cuesta de las Cabras Aldapa 2", "addressRegion": "Araba", "addressLocality": "Alegría-Dulantzi", "postalCode": "01240" }, "aggregateRating": { "reviewCount": 1, "ratingValue": 4 }, "capacity": 120, "department": "Franchise1", "description": "Restaurante de estilo sidrería ubicado en Alegria-Dulantzi. Además de su menú del día y carta, también ofrece menú de sidrería. El menú del día cuesta 9 euros. Los fines de semana la especialidad de la casa son las alubias con sacramentos. En lo que a bebidas se refiere, hay una amplia selección además de la sidra. Cabe destacar que se puede hacer txotx. La capacidad del establecimiento es de 50 personas pero la sidrería no dispone de aparcamiento.%5cn%5cnHORARIO: %5cn%5cnLunes a domingo: 9:00-17:00 y 19:00-23:00.", "location": "42.8404625, -2.5123277", "name": "Elizalde", "occupancyLevels": 0, "priceRange": 0, "telephone": "945 400 868" }

--> So no sign of the added attribute... Why is that?

If I do the request without "type=Restaurant" i get:

{ "error": "TooManyResults", "description": "More than one matching entity. Please refine your query" }

Why are there more than one result on a request specifying an entity with a unique id?

Tourguide App: problem sending data to sensor


In the Tourguide App documentation, I can't see the attributes of the created sensor when following Manage IoT Data section.

I just tried with a clean install of the tutorial, and this is what I get:

(if anybody can tell me how I can make the json format look nicer in markdown syntax, any hint would be welcome... I'll update the code below)

I post following request to create the IDAS service:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "fiware-service: tourguide" -H "fiware-servicepath: /Franchise1" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 72a15f7f-33a4-65a0-3ab9-a8efa3926ba2" -d '{ "services": [ { "apikey": "tourguide-devices", "cbroker": "http://orion:1026", "resource": "/iot/d", "entity_type": "Restaurant" } ] }' "http://localhost:4041/iot/services"

with header: Content-Type:application/json fiware-service:tourguide fiware-servicepath:/Franchise1

then I registered the sensor as following with the same headers

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "fiware-service: tourguide" -H "fiware-servicepath: /Franchise1" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: e48e2ca6-9c6b-ceaf-c90d-91f016c085d5" -d '{ "devices": [ { "device_id": "myRestaurant-sensor-0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "protocol": "UL20", "entity_name": "0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "entity_type": "Sensor", "type" "attributes": [ { "object_id": "mt", "name": "myTemperature", "type": "number" } ] } ] }' "http://localhost:4041/iot/devices"

(both requests return 200 and 201 with {}, so it looks fine)

Then querying the entity to see if the attributes are there with:

curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "fiware-service: tourguide" -H "fiware-servicepath: /Franchise1" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 53553316-1502-b818-99eb-449c0b00105a" "http://localhost:1026/v2/entities/0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f?options=keyValues&type=Restaurant"

gives me this answer:

{ "id": "0115206c51f60b48b77e4c937835795c33bb953f", "type": "Restaurant", "address": { "streetAddress": "Cuesta de las Cabras Aldapa 2", "addressRegion": "Araba", "addressLocality": "Alegría-Dulantzi", "postalCode": "01240" }, "aggregateRating": { "reviewCount": 1, "ratingValue": 4 }, "capacity": 120, "department": "Franchise1", "description": "Restaurante de estilo sidrería ubicado en Alegria-Dulantzi. Además de su menú del día y carta, también ofrece menú de sidrería. El menú del día cuesta 9 euros. Los fines de semana la especialidad de la casa son las alubias con sacramentos. En lo que a bebidas se refiere, hay una amplia selección además de la sidra. Cabe destacar que se puede hacer txotx. La capacidad del establecimiento es de 50 personas pero la sidrería no dispone de aparcamiento.%5cn%5cnHORARIO: %5cn%5cnLunes a domingo: 9:00-17:00 y 19:00-23:00.", "location": "42.8404625, -2.5123277", "name": "Elizalde", "occupancyLevels": 0, "priceRange": 0, "telephone": "945 400 868" }

--> So no sign of the added attribute... Why is that?

If I do the request without "type=Restaurant" i get:

{ "error": "TooManyResults", "description": "More than one matching entity. Please refine your query" }

Why are there more than one result on a request specifying an entity with a unique id?