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How to monetize IoT data?


If we wanted to monetize the real-time data coming from an IoT infrastructure, I am assuming the best way to do this would be to flow the IoT data to an Orion Context Broker, then use some Business Framework GE functionality to control the access, provisioning, monetization etc. of this data.

Could you kindly confirm if the real time data is already supported by the Business Framework? Can we meter, and monetize the usage of real time IoT data with the current version of components?

Also do we have to involve CKAN? or is it possible to do it directly through the Context broker, since it's real time data that we are mostly interested in monetizing?

Many thanks in advance for your reply.


How to monetize IoT data?


If we wanted to monetize the real-time data coming from an IoT infrastructure, I am assuming the best way to do this would be to flow the IoT data to an Orion Context Broker, then use some Business Framework GE functionality to control the access, provisioning, monetization etc. of this data.

Could you kindly confirm if the real time data is already supported by the Business Framework? Can we meter, and monetize the usage of real time IoT data with the current version of components?

Also do we have to involve CKAN? or is it possible to do it directly through the Context broker, since it's real time data that we are mostly interested in monetizing?

Many thanks in advance for your reply.


How to monetize IoT IoT/Context data?


If we wanted to monetize the real-time data coming from an IoT infrastructure, I am assuming the best way to do this would be to flow the IoT data to an Orion Context Broker, then use some Business Framework GE functionality to control the access, provisioning, monetization etc. of this data.

Could you kindly confirm if the real time data is already supported by the Business Framework? Can we meter, and monetize the usage of real time IoT data with the current version of components?

Also do we have to involve CKAN? or is it possible to do it directly through the Context broker, since it's real time data that we are mostly interested in monetizing?

Many thanks in advance for your reply.
