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How to download Wirecloud widgets


I was able to activate Wirecloud, but there is nothing but Workspace Browser widget.

I tried to upload wgt files(e.g. CoNWeTweather-mashup-example1.0.2.wgt) to Wirecloud in order to add other widgets. But it returns error message as below:

Error uploading the following components:
CoNWeTweather-mashup-example1.0.2.wgt: Invalid embedded file: macs/CoNWeTwms-viewer-geowidget0.5.5.wgt

What should I do to add widgets?

I was trying in the following steps:

  1. docker run -d -p 80:80 --name wirecloud fiware/wirecloud:latest

  2. Download "CoNWeTweather-mashup-example1.0.2.wgt" from https://github.com/Fiware/apps.Wirecloud/blob/master/docs/attachments/CoNWeTweather-mashup-example1.0.2.wgt

  3. Access to http://localhost and upload wgt files