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initial version

As of December 2020, STH-Comet does not service the NGSI-LD interface and is NGSI-v2 only. However Orion-LD has recently been updated with a new backwards compatibility feature that allows it to send subscriptions in NGSI-v2 format.

An NGSI-LD subscription looks like this:

curl -L -X POST 'http://localhost:1026/ngsi-ld/v1/subscriptions/' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Link: <https://fiware.github.io/tutorials.Step-by-Step/tutorials-context.jsonld>; rel="http://www.w3.org/ns/json-ld#context"; type="application/ld+json"' \ --data-raw '{ "description": "LD Notify me of low stock in Store 002", "type": "Subscription", "entities": [{"type": "Shelf"}], "watchedAttributes": ["numberOfItems"], "q": "numberOfItems<10;locatedIn==urn:ngsi-ld:Building:store002", "notification": { "attributes": ["numberOfItems", "stocks", "locatedIn"], "format": "normalized", "endpoint": { "uri": "http://tutorial:3000/subscription/low-stock-store002", "accept": "application/ld+json" } } }'

The format parameter is usually keyValues or normalized. The accept parameter is usually application/json or application/ld+json. Setting these to NGSIv2-Normalized and application/json should allow STH-Comet to receive subscriptions from Orion-LD.