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Of course there are. In the last two years, since the FIWARE Lab was open for experimentation (first) and developement (now), a number of different teams and companies have succeed in the use of FIWARE technology to develop innovative and useful Apps. As a matter of example, some of the winner teams contesting in the FIWARE Challenges are featured in videos within the fiware.org website. Find them in the developers' tab:


And stay tuned! With the progress of the Acceleration Programme hundreds of SMEs and StartUp companies are in the process to become new Success Stories - The best of them will be showcased shortly in different formats to share these experiences with all the FIWARE Community.

Of course there are. In the last two years, since the FIWARE Lab was open for experimentation (first) and developement (now), a number of different teams and companies have succeed succeeded in the use of FIWARE technology to develop innovative and useful Apps. As a matter of example, some of the winner teams contesting in the FIWARE Challenges are featured in videos within the fiware.org website. Find them in the developers' tab:


And stay tuned! With the progress of the Acceleration Programme hundreds of SMEs and StartUp companies are in the process to become new Success Stories - The best of them will be showcased shortly in different formats to share these experiences with all the FIWARE Community.