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In short:
basically, it is free but it is only avalable for experimentation. And yes, it has usage quotas.

In long:
As stated in http:/lab.fiware.org: "FIWARE Lab is a working instance of FIWARE available for experimentation. You will be able to setup the basic virtual infrastructure needed to run applications that make use of the APIs provided by FIWARE Generic Enablers deployed as a Service either globally or by you (as private instance)". So, yes, there are quotas that only allows you to build basic infrastrucutres.

In the other hand, as stated in the Terms and Conditions, "Use of FIWARE Lab Services is permitted free of charge solely for Your or Your End User’s, experimental purposes, which are internal and non-commercial in nature.". There are also 2 categories of users which can access Cloud environments: "Community" and "Trial" users. The same terms and conditions explaint that "Trial users will be provided with a limited set of resources and for a limited period of time (14 days)".