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Create historic graph using Orion Context Broker data in wirecloud or other dashboard

asked 2018-06-19 15:42:57 +0100

maria13 gravatar image

I am developing an application using Fiware GEs like Orion context broker, IoT Agent, Cygnus and mySQL and I would like to visualize the data that I receive from Orion and create a historic graph.

The application is fully integrated locally using docker-compose and the Orion receives measurements from my sensor.

I've tried to use wirecloud installed locally on my pc but I didn't manage to find the correct widgets to create the graph.

Can someone suggest the right way to make the configurations to display the graph in wirecloud or suggest another dashboard that I could use?

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I am trying to do basically the same task, but I had problems with the steps before. May I ask you references on how connect Orion Context Broker, Cygnus and mySQL all together? Thank you very much!

Raffa87 gravatar imageRaffa87 ( 2018-06-22 09:03:31 +0100 )edit

I followed this tutorial https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=152 to make it work! I suggest you to try it!

maria13 gravatar imagemaria13 ( 2018-06-25 10:15:29 +0100 )edit

1 answer

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answered 2018-09-12 13:16:32 +0100


On WireCloud there are several options, that rely on having (or installing) widgets and operators.

For displaying data from Orion itself, the easiest way is using the NGSI-source operator (https://github.com/wirecloud-fiware/n...), configured with NGSI details and the URL of an NGSI Proxy (usually deployed together with WireCloud) for receiving asynchronous notifications to subscriptions from WireCloud. This widget does output the received entities (initial full query and subscriptions to attribute changes on certain entities) in the form of JSON-formatted entities sent through wiring. You can, for example, display them on a map (https://github.com/Wirecloud/ol3-map-...) by converting entities into PoIs (https://github.com/wirecloud-fiware/n... if data is using FIWARE DataModels, or the generic https://github.com/wirecloud-fiware/n... configuring longitude and latitude). Outputs of the map (visible POIs) are also entities that can be used for graphical display (serving the map as a geo-filter). Read below.

You can, of course, use NGSI embedded library, ngsijs, to access a context broker, but this is more aligned with building a custom widget or operator hiding the "complexity" of the wiring or enhancing the NGSI-source-operator capabilities. It does require, of course, javascript coding.

For graphs, you can use Highcharts Widget (https://github.com/Wirecloud/highchar...) and some of the multiple chart generator operators that receive some data and prepare them for such widget. You have plenty of them here (https://github.com/Wirecloud/agile-da..., look for all whose name ends in generator-operator). There are others (https://github.com/wirecloud?utf8=%E2...).

For displaying basic information you can use the generic panel widget (https://github.com/Wirecloud/panel-wi...), easily feeded filtering info from an entity using the panel filter operator (https://github.com/Wirecloud/panel-fi...). This information can also come from some statistical calculations that can be generated by the calculate tendency operator (https://github.com/Wirecloud/agile-da...), that generates max, min, means, medians, modes, standard deviations, counts and sums. Its output can be shown in panels or in simple graphs like gauge chart (gauge-chart-generator-operator + highcharts-widget).

Finally, when bringing data from CKAN, easiest option is using CKAN source operator (https://github.com/wirecloud-fiware/c...), that is configured with url and dataset ID, and brings data (relying on the DataStore CKAN extension).

If you want more detailed information, chapter 4.2 of next document does detail these and other WireCloud components (only document title and summary are in spanish, all the rest is in english): http://oa.upm.es/51467/1/TFMALEJANDRORODRIGUEZ_FRAGA.pdf

Best regards, Miguel

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Asked: 2018-06-19 15:42:57 +0100

Seen: 4,453 times

Last updated: Sep 12 '18