fiware-service in Orion 2.2.0
Hi all, I'm using Orion Context Broker 2.2.0 and I'm using fiware-service and fiware-servicepath to separate the data, but I've the same results with or without the fiware-service. Is it my fault or not?
Hi all, I'm using Orion Context Broker 2.2.0 and I'm using fiware-service and fiware-servicepath to separate the data, but I've the same results with or without the fiware-service. Is it my fault or not?
I would not recommend you to use the Fiware-Service-Path, as you may easily end up generating Entities with same Id in different Service-Paths without having a clue from which Service-Path are Entities coming when you query.
Wrt Service, please check, using the MongoDB client, that you have one mongoDB DB per fiware-service and that your entities are correctly stored.
Yes, you are right, but I tried with a Orion VM in FIWARE Lab (1.3.0 and 2.0.0next) and both Orion stored data in to orion-vehicles collections. I installed manually Orion 2.2.0 on Centos 7 and I have only collection: orion, with fiware-service: vehicles. Probably it's my fault in the installation.
I solved my issue: I must use multiservice option in the command line when I start orion as described in the doc ( $ contextBroker -multiservice
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Orion 2.2.0 eliminates the metadata ID feature, necessitating a change to the database model. This procedure checks if such a metadata ID exists in your data and dinosaur game, if it does, describes how to proceed.
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I don't recommend you to use Fiware-Service-Path retro bowl, because you can easily create entities with the same ID in different Service-Paths without knowing which Service-Path the entity comes from when you query.
Did you perform the correct operations? I also got the same error as you. Can you answer it for me? cookie clicker unblocked
Asked: 2019-06-18 16:04:56 +0100
Seen: 2,629 times
Last updated: Jun 21 '21