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how many cities are currently using FIWARE?

asked 2015-06-23 04:14:58 +0100

jmcantera gravatar image

Do you know how many cities are currently using FIWARE?

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answered 2015-07-31 05:56:49 +0100

Sergio Garcia Gomez gravatar image

updated 2015-07-31 05:57:25 +0100

There are different levels of involvement of cities with FIWARE.

  • First of all, there are two cities that have bet to use FIWARE technologies under a commercial contract, Valencia and Santander. That means that these technologies are being used in production.
  • During the last couple of years, more than 15 cities all over Europe have been experimenting with FIWARE technologies:
    • publishing open data (static with CKAN, dynamic with context / NGSI, or even connecting IoT devices).
    • and developing (themselfes or through third parties) pilots and prototypes using the data and various Generic Enablers. Some examples
    • a crowd detection system that analyzes video streams and generates NGSI context data about people moving around in the streets.
    • a smartphone as a sensor system that gathers data from advaced smartphones and aggregates it into a web application.
    • thousands of sensors from Smart Santander connected to the platform.
    • a dashboard for energy consumption data from a campus building
    • a open311 over ngsi wrapper and application -etc.
  • FIWARE is supporting Open and Agile Cities initiative, where NGSI and CKAN platforms are promoted http://connectedsmartcities.eu/open-a... . So far, almost 50 cities have joined OASC initiative and by the end of the year, around 100 cities will be involved.
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Hello, Is there any updated information about the number and the list of of cities that are currently (April 2019) using FIWARE technologies? Thanks! Juan

jarraiza gravatar imagejarraiza ( 2019-04-04 17:28:44 +0100 )edit
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Asked: 2015-06-23 04:14:58 +0100

Seen: 4,366 times

Last updated: Jul 31 '15