Is FIWARE an open source community?
I don't know whats the current status of the FIWARE Initiative? Is it an Open source Community?
I don't know whats the current status of the FIWARE Initiative? Is it an Open source Community?
It is going to be!
FIWARE is transitioning into an Open Source community, as intended from the start of FIWARE PPP initiative. Juanjo Hierro (FIWARE platform Coordinator and Chief Architect) and others are defining a governance model. I understand that everyone is invited to comment and partecipate.
You can find the first draft here:
Indeed, everyone is invited to participate in the public consultation. However, the consultation closes on 31st July 2015, so please hurry up as we are eager to get your comments and contributions!
As discussed during the fiware developper lunch yesterday,
Maybe add an info in the document, in "Specific Enabler" chapter about "remember to check about Licence, only generic are opensource".
just suggestion..
Asked: 2015-06-23 11:01:35 +0100
Seen: 6,576 times
Last updated: Jul 31 '15