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Keyrock logout redirect URL

asked 2016-05-27 23:23:06 +0100

Eddy gravatar image


when logging out of our application, the Horizon IDM redirects to its own login screen.

We would like to redirect the user to our own application landing page. We are using an Angular directive that supports passing a logoutredirecturl parameter Authenticating AngularJS against OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect which results in the following request being logged in Keyrock:

"GET /auth/logout/?post_logout_redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2F HTTP/1.1" 302 0

How can I configure Keyrock to redirect to the desired URL? (if not by honoring the redirect request, at least by hardcoding it in its configuration file)

Thank you for your time.

Best, Edoardo

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answered 2016-05-30 13:24:04 +0100

aalonsog gravatar image

I don't understand what do you mean with "when logging out of our application, Horizon IDM redirects to its own login screen." IdM doesnt support single sign out. When you log out in Horizon you are of course redirected to its login page. When you log out on your app, it depends how you manage it

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Asked: 2016-05-27 23:23:06 +0100

Seen: 15,208 times

Last updated: May 27 '16