What are the technical requirements of an Context Broker and an Complex Event Processing?
Any one can help us to know about the technical requirements (functional, non-functional requirement,...) of an Context Broker, an Complex Event Processing?
So, we can know/explain that Orion, Proton, IDAS are the best solutions OR find some alternative open source solutions
I have searched on google but not found
Many Thanks
Not sure what do you mean... Could you edit your question post in order explain what do you mean by "technical requirements"? A description of the GEri? The Open Specification in which the GEri is based? Other?
The Fiware CEP GE runs as a web application, on a platform such as Tomcat. The hardware requirements for the platform to would be at least 8GB Ram. Clients post events to this service and complex situations it detects are emitted according to the rules coded into it using a web interface.