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Raspberry Pi and Figway to register device

asked 2017-09-13 14:14:27 +0200

simona.reti gravatar image


I am a student currently working on a Fiware project. I am trying to collect noise data using my PI with Fiware and I found this tutorial: https://www.fiware.org/tag/raspberry-pi/.

Now I am at step 2 and I want to register my device but it doesn't seem to work. This is the response I get after I run " ./registerDevice 0001 4IN1 " :

root@raspberrypi://home/pi/Desktop/student/fiware-figway/c++# ./registerDevice 0001 4IN1

-> Config file: Debug Level <1>.

-> M2M Platform reply: **

** Can anybody help? I'm sure I am missing something I just don't know what.

Reti Simona

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answered 2017-09-20 14:36:46 +0200

pasquy73 gravatar image

Ciao Simona, I guess that you want to try the B scenario of the tutorial (https://www.fiware.org/tag/raspberry-pi/). So you edited the Register4IN1, RegisterDOOR and Register_SWITCH files (replaced all 'HACKSANTANDER' strings in the files) and in the Step 3.2 when you run:

./registerDevice 0001 4IN1

you have to expect a "200 OK response" after "M2M Platform reply". First, can you set to "DEBUG = 4" in the config file? Pasquale

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Asked: 2017-09-13 14:13:37 +0200

Seen: 4,838 times

Last updated: Sep 20 '17