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2021-11-19 10:45:13 +0200 answered a question Date planned for first release of Orion-LD

Depending on what feature you're looking for, any of the beta-releases should do the trick. As of release 1.0.0, we could do that any time, not really important. The Orion-LD broker is mature enough for it.

2021-02-09 08:19:55 +0200 commented question Custom payload in NGSI-LD subscriptions

Yes please Lidia, open an issue on the Orion-LD github and we can discuss this further there

2021-02-02 08:24:55 +0200 commented question Custom payload in NGSI-LD subscriptions

Hi there, no, sorry, "custom notifications" isn't part of the NGSI-LD API. If there is interest, I could try to have it included, as the API is still very actively defined in ETSI ISG CIM.