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2022-04-26 09:50:20 +0200 asked a question Understanding RPI & FIWARE

I am a newbie and have been exploring FIWARE from tutorial sources for the last few months. I am able to get the tutorials moderately and still exploring.

I have Raspberry PI and say a temperature sensor (LM35). I want to send the temperature data to Orion's context broker or FIWARE and I should be able to retrieve the data. Preparing a python script for taking data using MQTT is achievable but what are the next steps?

In simple terms, I want my live temperature data from RPI to be visible on some dashboard say wirecloud using FIWARE.

Can anyone please guide me in achieving this roadmap or put some detailed light on how to do this?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

2022-04-26 07:47:07 +0200 received badge  Enthusiast