2020-08-17 16:56:32 +0100 | received badge | ● Teacher (source) |
2020-08-17 11:46:39 +0100 | answered a question | Fiware-Biz end to end testing help needed The problem is related with the callback URL. You are using docker so they behave as virtual machines. In this regard you cannot use localhost:8004 as it is not pointing to the BAE, but to the 8004 port of the IDM docker image. Try to use the docker container name or create a network alias in order to communicate between docker containers. |
2018-09-19 14:11:04 +0100 | answered a question | Biz-ecosystem, IdM authentication The issue is due to the fact that docker containers work like VMs. In this regard, you cannot use localhost for communicating containers as it point to the container itself |
2018-01-08 12:29:57 +0100 | answered a question | FIWARE STORE - upload new widget / mashup Hi, It seems that the WireCloud component plugin is giving a validation error when validating that your widget is a valid WireCloud component. Can you send me you widget by email fdelavega@conwet.com so i can debug the problem? |
2017-09-04 12:11:01 +0100 | answered a question | Error installing Business API Ecosystem Hi, It seems that Glassfish has failed deploying the first WAR, did you have a look at the Glassfish log to see the details of the error? |
2017-06-06 10:04:37 +0100 | commented answer | FIWARE STORE - SELLER ROLE Hi, yes other users can see and acquire your offerings as soon as you move them to the Launched state. Once a customer acquire your offering he will be granted access to your dataset in CKAN Note that if the dataset is public it does not make sense to create an offering |
2017-04-21 10:33:29 +0100 | commented answer | FIWARE STORE - SELLER ROLE I have given you the role, If you plan to publish a dataset, be aware of creating it as a private dataset in CKAN and choose "CKAN dataset" as asset type when creating the product in the store. Alternatively, you can also automatically create your offering directly from CKAN using the publish tab |
2017-04-10 10:51:59 +0100 | answered a question | FIWARE STORE - SELLER ROLE Hi, If you give me your username in the Lab I can give you the seller role |
2017-02-16 16:22:23 +0100 | commented answer | How to monetize IoT/Context data? Yes, CKAN is not mandatory, and yes you can offer a single entity or set of entities. If using the accounting proxy you have to include the URL of the query NGSI v2, and if using the secured orion plugin you have to create the proper policy |
2017-02-16 15:58:08 +0100 | commented question | How to monetize IoT/Context data? The first URL is the new plugin for working with the secured CB, the second one is the plugin used to work with the accounting proxy, the ticket is for integrating CKAN with the new secured CB, and the offering is a context dataset published in CKAN using a different mechanism |
2017-02-16 15:53:50 +0100 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2017-02-16 15:53:28 +0100 | answered a question | How to monetize IoT/Context data? Hi, There are several possibilities regarding the Context Information Monetization. At this moment, it is possible to use the accountable service plugin with our accounting proxy. You have documentation on this in readthedocs: http://business-api-ecosystem.readthe... This solution allows you to monetize IoT data represented as a NGSI v2 query (A URL). Nevetheless, this solution is quite ad-hoc since the accounting proxy has its own authorization mechanism based on a local database (what user has acquired what). Additionally, this software is intended to offer services under a pay-per-use model On the other hand, the ongoing work (The features we have created for this release) is integrating the Business Framework with the security architecture typically used with the Context Broker (Keystone + PEP + PDP). In particular, we are creating a plugin able to manage keystone roles bound to a XACML policy, so customers are granted access to the acquired NGSI resources. This solution is more production oriented and allows more flexibility in what is sold. We will have ready the first step of this by this month (the related biz plugin is here: https://github.com/FIWARE-TMForum/biz...). This initial version will allow to sell Context Data under one time payments and subscription models. Next month we will be providing the accounting part intended to support the pay-per-use. Next release we will be focusing in integrating this new stuff with CKAN, so users acquiring a context dataset in CKAN will be granted access in the underliying context broker (thats the feature ticket you have seen) I hope this info is useful for you, let me know if you need a deeper view in something. Best regards, Francisco |
2016-04-07 13:13:57 +0100 | answered a question | Where are the logos, screenshots and other resource media stored in WStore Hi Edoardo, We evaluated the usage of MongoDB for saving the media files; nevertheless, we decided to save them in the filesystem since we thought that it did not worth the additional complexity of using GridFS (in order to deal with 16MB size limitation) taking into account that WStore does not use these files very much. At this moment WStore is in support mode, so we are not developing new features (only bug fixing). Nevetheless, we think this is a nice-to-have feature, so if you finally do something in this regard, it will be nice if you can contribute it to the existing software. Best regards, Francisco |
2016-04-07 11:07:39 +0100 | commented answer | Search features in WStore The point with WMaket is that is supports the registration of WStore instances of different owners, so it is an aggregator of stores. Anyway, WStore is in support mode now, in this regard we are not developing new features, but giving support and fixing bugs. |
2016-03-31 09:01:58 +0100 | answered a question | Search features in WStore Hi Edoardo, Currently WStore only supports text searches. Nevertheless, it does not provide functionality to list stores, are you referring to WMarket instead? |