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2016-04-21 16:38:37 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-12-29 06:40:15 +0200 received badge  Taxonomist
2015-09-16 05:08:19 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-09-10 05:25:27 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-09-09 09:34:15 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-09-09 05:36:36 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-09-09 05:35:08 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2015-09-09 04:59:25 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-08-31 10:18:40 +0200 asked a question Best way to send Orion to background?

Hi there,

I've installed Orion in a CentOS 6 as recommended in the documentation and I'm wondering how to run this on the background.

Running contextBroker, it stays in foreground:

 [centos@oc-orion fiware-orion]$ contextBroker
INFO@15:04:54  contextBroker.cpp[1502]: Orion Context Broker is running
[centos@oc-orion fiware-orion]$ INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  contextBroker.cpp[1282]: Connected to mongo at localhost:orion
INFO@15:04:54  MongoGlobal.cpp[2856]: Database Operation Successful ({})
INFO@15:04:54  MongoGlobal.cpp[504]: Database Operation Successful ({ conditions.type: "ONTIMEINTERVAL" })
INFO@15:04:54  contextBroker.cpp[1590]: Startup completed
INFO@15:05:04  MongoGlobal.cpp[2856]: Database Operation Successful ({})

I've been thinking on running this with supervisor or similar, but not sure...any ideas?


2015-08-31 10:17:06 +0200 asked a question Best way to start Orion on the backgroun

Hi there,

I've installed Orion in a CentOS 6 as recommended in the documentation and I'm wondering how to run this on the background.

Running contextBroker, it stays in foreground:

 [centos@oc-orion fiware-orion]$ contextBroker
INFO@15:04:54  contextBroker.cpp[1502]: Orion Context Broker is running
[centos@oc-orion fiware-orion]$ INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  mongoConnectionPool.cpp[196]: Successful connection to database
INFO@15:04:54  contextBroker.cpp[1282]: Connected to mongo at localhost:orion
INFO@15:04:54  MongoGlobal.cpp[2856]: Database Operation Successful ({})
INFO@15:04:54  MongoGlobal.cpp[504]: Database Operation Successful ({ conditions.type: "ONTIMEINTERVAL" })
INFO@15:04:54  contextBroker.cpp[1590]: Startup completed
INFO@15:05:04  MongoGlobal.cpp[2856]: Database Operation Successful ({})

I've been thinking on running this with supervisor or similar, but not sure...any ideas?
