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Keyrock mysql docker-compose configuration

asked 2020-03-27 12:20:38 +0100

asolleiro gravatar image

I have created a docker-compose file in order to deploy my FIWARE stack. That stack includes keyrock and a Mysql BD that are connected using the following subnet:

networks: default: ipam: config: - subnet: I have created that subnet due to in keyrock documentation says that keyrock use the following ip:

I would like to change that keyrock IP and also change the subnet. How can I change the subnet? If I change the subnet and the keyrock and mysql default IP's there is no connection between them.

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answered 2020-06-22 15:41:11 +0100

Jason Fox gravatar image

The answers for this have been posted on Stack Overflow:

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Asked: 2020-03-27 12:20:38 +0100

Seen: 466 times

Last updated: Jun 22 '20