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asked 2016-01-26 07:16:10 +0100

JustHSB gravatar image

I am trying to integrate KeyRock in my Android App which has already a local sign in/sign up system.

Now I would like to use my local KeyRock instance on my computer as remote server to authenticate the users:

My objective is to send local user sign up/sign in data to the KeyRock server to sign in and sign up users ...

I tried to do some REST calls to the server trying to authenticate idm account but I always receive 403 http error code as response.

Otherwise how can I use auth 2.0 token system provided by KeyRock by registering my "application", my application is an Android App and not a web App. I followed the KeyRock youtube course but it explains how to register a web App.

In fact when registering an Application you need to specify two URLs which Android App does not have!

Is it possible to reach my goal with KeyRock o I should search for some other alternatives?

By the way, in case we have a web App only the user who registered the web application can login through Fiware account?

Kind regards, thank you.

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answered 2016-01-27 04:22:55 +0100

aalonsog gravatar image


in Keyrock's documentatio you will find all the gran types accepted in OAuth2:


You will find a lot of tutorials of how to use OAuth2 in Android applications over the internet. Keyrock fully implements the standard so it will be compatible with it (in fact other users are already using it with Android applications).

Don't hesitate to ask any other doubt.


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I have too many doubts as you noticed from my question, could you please suggest me an working Android example?... may be on GitHub. Thank you.

JustHSB gravatar imageJustHSB ( 2016-01-28 08:16:08 +0100 )edit
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Asked: 2016-01-26 07:16:10 +0100

Seen: 2,261 times

Last updated: Jan 27 '16