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Remaining lifetime of FIWARE Lab and commercial instances

asked 2016-04-01 14:39:47 +0100

peter.einramhof gravatar image


I'm working for the FInish Accelerator. We often hear the following questions from our teams:

  • "What happens after our FIWARE Accelerator has ended? Can we keep using FIWARE Lab?"
  • "How much longer will FIWARE Lab exist (and be accessible to us)?"
  • "Are there commercial FIWARE Lab nodes to which we can move our solution once we go commercial? Is there a roadmap/current status of commercial FIWARE infrastructure? If so, where can we find up-to-date information also regarding pricing, conditions, etc.?"

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Cheers, Peter.

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answered 2016-04-08 13:18:18 +0100

Stefano gravatar image

Here are some answers:

"What happens after our FIWARE Accelerator has ended? Can we keep using FIWARE Lab?"
Definitively yes!
The FIWARE Foundation, under creation, will take over the operation and maintenance of FIWARE Lab although not necessarily of all its nodes. Anyhow, the FIWARE Foundation will keep the same policy, i.e. FIWARE Lab usage free of charge for developers using the lab for experimental purposes.
Stay tuned, as in the following couple of weeks public announcements from the FIWARE Foundation will come!

"How much longer will FIWARE Lab exist (and be accessible to us)?"
Given the above, FIWARE Lab will be operational following the interests of its users and stakholders. Current plans say at least end of 2020.

"Are there commercial FIWARE Lab nodes to which we can move our solution once we go commercial? Is there a roadmap/current status of commercial FIWARE infrastructure? If so, where can we find up-to-date information also regarding pricing, conditions, etc.?"
At the moment the only public FIWARE Commercial instance is fiware.eng.it. More FIWARE Commercial instances will come in the very next months. The various instances migth have not only different prices, but also different price policies. Please contact them for further information on the matter.
Please note that such instances are not FIWARE Lab nodes as such, although we are considering the creation of a FIWARE Commercial Instances network.
We plan to have shortly in fiware.org a dedicated page listing all the recognised FIWARE Commercial Instances.


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Asked: 2016-04-01 14:39:47 +0100

Seen: 6,967 times

Last updated: Apr 08 '16