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How to fetch data to wirecloud from orion contrext broker?

asked 2018-05-14 13:56:52 +0100

PC00474884 gravatar image

I’m trying to use the ‘ngsi-source-operator’ to fetch data from ‘Orion context broker’ and trying to populate that data on the Map Widget. My Orion instance is running @ and I’m using the global instance of wirecloud. Please suggest me, what setting should I use for NGSI-source-operator in order to fetch data. Also while creating subscriptions, which URL should I use to send the notifications.

Another query is regarding Table Viewer widget, as it requires input points as ‘Data and Structures’, is there any available operator to fetch or create a dataset for this table viewer widget.

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answered 2018-05-25 07:39:48 +0100

This question was already answered on the mailing list.

Configuration of NGSI Source was incorrect, so details were provided about how to set up the URL of the CB, the URL of a ngsi proxy (for asynchronous updates). And the connection with a map using NGSI Entity2Poi was also shown, using a correct parameter in such operator for indicating the propertie(s) where geographical information was contained inside entities. Besides, a problem with Context Broker not handling some characters inside entities correctly, such as \n, arose.

RegardingTable Viewer widget, CKAN source operator does generate the required input, but getting such structure from NGSI data requires an specific operator.

Best regards, Miguel

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Asked: 2018-05-14 13:56:52 +0100

Seen: 3,046 times

Last updated: May 25 '18