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IoTagent-LoRaWAN cannot cast NGSI to Orion Context Broker

asked 2020-06-25 09:43:12 +0200

wyre gravatar image

updated 2020-06-25 09:44:22 +0200

According to this once I've added a device to the IoTagent (LoRaWAN in this case) the agent should be create an entity in the Context Broker, however apparently the IoTagent-LoRaWAN is not able to cast the message to NGSI as you can see in the picture,

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answered 2020-06-25 17:10:35 +0200

wyre gravatar image

The problem was apparently the docker-composer.yml which was not deploying correctly the Context Broker and MongoDB. It's apparently solved already.

Thank you all :-)

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Asked: 2020-06-25 09:43:12 +0200

Seen: 352 times

Last updated: Jun 25 '20