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2017-01-18 15:18:14 +0200 answered a question Tourguide update sensor value

Hi Lukas!

I don't know who is maintaining this notebook and I'm not aware of it, so I cannot help you with that. What I can do is point you to the TourGuide App documentation where you can find how to deploy the application in your host using docker and of course to manage IoT data by using the CLI provided.


2016-11-22 12:06:57 +0200 commented answer Starting the tour-guide application

Hi! Could you please edit your question, and add the steps you've followed to reproduce the issue? Also which OS are you using, please. Just by running `./tour-guide configure keyrock` I'm not getting any issue.

2016-10-27 22:12:01 +0200 received badge  Teacher (source)
2016-10-26 10:48:11 +0200 answered a question Starting with Fiware and Fiware Tour Guide Application

Hi Duarte,

Regarding the first example, you are right. I've checked the section you mentioned and the "entity_type" is missing there. TourGuide-App documentation also have a section where explains how to do the whole process with the right payload: http://fiwaretourguide.readthedocs.io...

Regarding your second issue, take into account that you are adding the sensor to an existing entity (restaurant) in Orion as an attribute, so you must request the restaurant and see if the new attribute has been added.


Alberto Martín

2016-04-25 08:57:20 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-03-10 14:03:38 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-03-10 12:03:01 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-02-01 11:59:56 +0200 commented answer KEYROCK AND APPLICATION REGISTRATION

Thanks for the logs! I've tested myself with the last version and I could reproduce the issue. It's true, no errors are returned and the step to configure roles is directly skipped by the app. Maybe it would be a good idea to report the issue at their repository https://github.com/ging/fiware-idm

2016-02-01 05:17:05 +0200 asked a question Proton image not available at Dockerhub

I will to start using the Proactive Technology Online GE in a Docker environment, and I've found that the image exists in Dockerhub but it has never been pushed.

As the repository is there already and well documented also in Github, why not to generate the image (it can be automated) to just pull the image instead of having to build it?

With this approach would be able to run docker-compose and pull the image automatically saving the time to build it.

2016-01-28 05:43:10 +0200 commented answer KEYROCK AND APPLICATION REGISTRATION

Well, then I'm not sure... I would need to see the log in order to try to figure out what's happening. Could you update the question with the keystone log?

2016-01-27 10:22:50 +0200 commented answer KEYROCK AND APPLICATION REGISTRATION
2016-01-27 04:55:04 +0200 commented answer KEYROCK AND APPLICATION REGISTRATION

If I'm not wrong, 'idm' should be the admin (same password as username). The last step, when you say automatically skipped, you mean skipped by the idm?

2016-01-26 11:32:43 +0200 answered a question KEYROCK AND APPLICATION REGISTRATION

Hi! I've tested in my own image and it works. I think the problem is that you are logged in Keyrock with a user that does not have the right roles, or probably a different user from the one who created the application.

So if you followed the official guide and you are using the initial provision and the default application created, here is the code where this happen:


So I guess you should log in as 'user0' to be able to remove that.

Hope it works!

2015-08-13 09:52:58 +0200 commented answer How to Authenticate the user with KeyRock?

Ok, I've answered just over there. As I wrote there, apparently is just that you are using the wrong path :) Let me know if it worked please!

2015-08-13 04:49:50 +0200 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-08-11 06:06:37 +0200 commented answer How to Authenticate the user with KeyRock?

Hi again Milos! Could you finally authenticate following any of the examples? :)

2015-08-07 09:13:02 +0200 commented answer How to Authenticate the user with KeyRock?

The target URL you should use for KeyRock is 'account.lab.fiware.org'. In some of the examples provided probably we use just 'idm', but this is just because we've installed our own KeyRock for testing purposes.

2015-08-05 06:50:19 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-08-05 06:45:36 +0200 answered a question How to Authenticate the user with KeyRock?

Hi Milos!

First of all I'll assume that your issue is retrieving the Authorization token. We've tested several ways Authorization Code Grand and Owner Password Credentials Grant on Javascript and it worked.

For the first one, here you have a simple example on how to retrieve it (redirect needed).

For the second one, here's an example of how we've used it in our application.

We also made a simple script in bash to retrieve a fresh token (just replace CLIENT_SECRET, CLIENT_ID and the HOST in the REQUEST)

Finally, and based on the first example, we've made an auth.js that works following the Authorization Code Grant type.

Regarding the ClientID and Client Secret, those are the ones that build the header Authorization: Basic. This header is a must in every request you make against KeyRock.

Hints: make sure you configure properly the URL of your application and the callback URL at KeyRock and at your application; and also, that the header Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is there and with the base64 encoding.

Hope is clear enough, but let me know if you have any doubts :)