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Cost to use FiWare in my own University to implement an Application with this Technology

asked 2018-06-14 01:13:30 +0100

Daniel Sevilla gravatar image

Here are some questions that I am looking for an answer:

• How much does it cost to use them? • If I use them on their own cloud, do I have access to their system data: logs of user data, who accessed files, system configuration etc. • Can I download them on our internal servers/nodes/cloud? • if I set them up on our own cloud, how much would it cost? • what are the requirements needed to set these up our own servers?

I hope be clear in my questions, thanks a lot for your answer!!

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answered 2018-06-19 17:34:08 +0100

admin gravatar image

The use of the FIWARE Technology is open and you can deploy it using the installation guides for each of the components or using docker technology to invoke the latest images. Giving that, once that you deploy the instances you have the control of them in your local environment.

If you plan to install your own cloud, it depends of the resources that you want to put there and the network connectivity that you can offer to your users.

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Asked: 2018-06-13 20:13:26 +0100

Seen: 480 times

Last updated: Jun 19 '18