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How to upload images to Orion Context Broker

asked 2017-12-15 06:08:48 +0100

kazuki urabe gravatar image


I would like to send images to Orion using Web API. But I can not find the documents about it.

Let me know how to send images.

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answered 2017-12-18 09:57:31 +0100

jmcantera gravatar image

updated 2017-12-18 09:58:09 +0100


You cannot do that and should not do that. Even though there is a workaround, using data URIs, I would not recommend it if images are going to be bigger.

For storing images my recommendation is to use an object storage service such as S3 or Swift. The latter can be used from the Fiware Lab. Then, Orion entities can have an attribute (a URL) that will point to the object storage and in particular to the referenced image, such as

{ "id": "MyBuilding", "type": "Building", "photo": { "type": "URL", "value": "http://object.storage.org/objId" } }

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Thank you. I am going to try it using Object storage GE. https://catalogue.fiware.org/enablers/object-storage-ge-fiware-implementation

kazuki urabe gravatar imagekazuki urabe ( 2017-12-22 01:00:33 +0100 )edit
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Asked: 2017-12-15 06:08:48 +0100

Seen: 988 times

Last updated: Dec 18 '17